U.S. Pet Food Makers Celebrate USMCA Implementation


WASHINGTON, DC – The Pet Food Institute, whose members make the vast majority of dog and cat food products sold in the United States, recognizes the importance of July 1 as the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) enters into force. PFI also thanks the Administration and Congress for their successful negotiations and collaboration, leading to a trade agreement that continues market access under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and enhances provisions in other sectors.

Effective today, the USMCA replaces NAFTA and builds on previous successes by securing additional transparency and predictability for U.S. pet food makers. Canada and Mexico are the first and third largest export markets and accounted for more than $855 million in exports in 2019, more than half of total exports.

“With the implementation of the USMCA, U.S. pet food makers can expect continued business certainty and market access across North America,” said Dana Brooks, president and CEO of PFI. “The continuation of tariff-free access to our top trading partners, as well as the implementation of modernized, science-based provisions, help ensure a stable market for years to come. As the voice of U.S. pet food makers, PFI celebrates this new achievement and appreciates the efforts of U.S. negotiators on behalf of U.S. food and agriculture producers and exporters.”

The entry into force of the USMCA secures benefits for all of U.S. agriculture through upstream economic activity. A 2020 report released by the Pet Food Institute, the American Feed Industry Association and the North American Renderers Association found that U.S. pet food makers currently use 8.65 million tons of animal- and plant-based ingredients for dog and cat food valued at $6.9 billion. These purchases provide additional economic benefits for ingredient processors and equipment and service providers, adding value for U.S. agricultural stakeholders in a dynamic trade environment.